samedi 29 septembre 2012

Massive norovirus outbreak in Germany

More than 4000 kids sick with norovirus after eating at school kitchens. Sodexo group supplier of meals investigates.

vendredi 28 septembre 2012

L’épidémie de gastro-entérites à l’origine de trois décès d’enfants - Journal de l'île de la Réunion

L’épidémie de gastro-entérites à l’origine de trois décès d’enfants - Journal de l'île de la Réunion

Lawsuit alleges negligence in resort norovirus outbreak

Lawsuit alleges negligence in resort norovirus outbreak

Published on September 20, 2012 The PEI Gardian
Ryan Ross

The statement of claim alleged the resort acted with a “wanton, callous and reckless regard” for the safety of the class members who are seeking $5 million for negligence and breach of contract.


With the ceeramTools assays for detecting and identifying NOROVIRUS in any type of food matrices and Surfaces, it is now possible to anticipate and organize regular controls with your molecular laboratory.


Genogroup I and II noroviruses are non enveloped and single strand RNA viruses. These human enteric viruses are responsible for most of viral gastroenteritis outbreaks. They are pathogenic for all age groups of the population. These viruses are very infectious; one to ten viral particles are sufficient to get sick. Their mode of transmission is the feco-oral route. After excretion in human stool, due to their structural properties, noroviruses can resist to different physical and chemical treatment.
 Adsorbed on particles, they can survive in different kind of environment for a long period. Food samples can be contaminated via food handlers or by the environment. Due to their structural properties, norovirus can survive to different food process. The consumption of contaminated food can lead to human outbreak. There is no cell culture system available for the multiplication of human noroviruses.

Detection of noroviorus

The detection by ELISA is not recommended due to norovirus genetic diversity and its lack of sensitivity. Molecular techniques (real time RT-PCR) are the methods of choice for NoV detection after extraction and viral RNA purification from the sample.

Norovirus detection kits

Detection kit is based on real-time PCR. Real-time PCR is a proven method for pathogen detection and has been applied successfully to a wide range of foodborne pathogens. The method tests for food pathogens by amplifying and detecting a RNA target sequence that is specific to Norovirus. Detection is quick, simple, and with outstanding sensitivity and specificity. Shelf-Life : 360 days.

jeudi 27 septembre 2012 Zimbabwe: Diarrhoea Outbreak Forces School to Close Zimbabwe: Diarrhoea Outbreak Forces School to Close

Ministry of Health and Child Welfare director for epidemiology and disease control Dr Portia Manangazira confirmed that water samples had since been sent for analysis.
Dr Manangazira said from information gathered so far, water provi-sion had never been an issue at the school.
"If the outbreak has been caused by water then it is about the quality not the quantity," she said.

AFP: Brits hit by food poisoning bug in France

AFP: Brits hit by food poisoning bug in France

Eight British children and two adults accompanying them have been hospitalised in Montpellier southern France after being struck down by a violent food-poisoning bug.

mardi 25 septembre 2012

Health Alert: Stomach bug making the rounds

Health Alert: Stomach bug making the rounds

There is a health alert about a stomach bug making the rounds in Lexington.
Officials at the Fayette County Health Department say they're seeing an increase in the bug, especially in schools.

Crypto water bug numbers rise further in Gwent pool

BBC News - Crypto water bug numbers rise further in Gwent pool

Ongoing investigations have identified a further seven people who have become unwell since mid-August and have visited the swimming pool at the Newport Centre," said Dr Lika Nehaul, consultant in communicable disease control with Public Health Wales.

Attendance back to normal at Landsdowne Elementary after stomach bug outbreak | Our Health

Attendance back to normal at Landsdowne Elementary after stomach bug outbreak | Our Health

Attendance is back up today at Landsdowne Elementary after a stomach bug caused more than 130 students and staff absences last week, said Michelle Marra, district health coordinator for Fayette County Schools.

lundi 24 septembre 2012

Gastro Outbreak At T20 Linked To Bottled... | norovirus

Cricket | Gastro Outbreak At T20 Linked To Bottled... | Norovirus

ICC officials are believed to be investigating suggestions the gastro virus that has swept through at least three teams at the World Twenty20 in Sri Lanka is linked to the type of bottled water supplied at match venues. 

Food Safety Commissionerate firm on bringing in grading system in hotels - South India - Kerala - ibnlive

Food Safety Commissionerate firm on bringing in grading system in hotels - South India - Kerala - ibnlive

The recent inspections and arm-twisting by the Food Safety Commissionerate against erring hoteliers and food outlets in the state, against the backdrop of a few instances of food poisoning, was just to demonstrate the powers of the Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006 and to regularise standards for those involved in the food business operations, Food Safety Commissioner Biju Prabhakar told a seminar on ‘Food Safety & Standards Act, 2006’ here on Saturday.

230 sick; lawsuit alleges negligence in PEI resort norovirus outbreak | barfblog

230 sick; lawsuit alleges negligence in PEI resort norovirus outbreak | barfblog

The Guardian reports that troubles continue for the Stanhope Beach Resort and Conference Centre with the launch of a $5 million class action lawsuit over recent norovirus outbreaks.

Wastewater System in Cardrona Suspected To Be Cause of Norovirus Outbreak | TopNews Arab Emirates

Wastewater System in Cardrona Suspected To Be Cause of Norovirus Outbreak

Following norovirus outbreak, 66 residents of an Otago township (New Ealand) have been reported to be affected. Public health authorities acting to the gravity of the situation have started investigating the source of outbreak.

Wild boars are reservoir of HEV: High prevalence among forestry workers in eastern France

Wild boars are reservoir of HEV: High prevalence among forestry workers in eastern France

The prevalence of HEV was found to be 14 percent among wild boar, about half that in pigs, says principal investigator Pierre Coursaget of the University of Tours, France. An earlier study found 12 percent prevalence among boar in The Netherlands. Among humans in the current study, the prevalence of anti-HEV antibodies increases with age, and varies with occupation and geographic location within eastern France. "The frequency of HEV infections in humans did not correlate with the number of pigs, locally, but there is good correlation with the number of car accidents due to wild boars," a surrogate for contact between humans and wild boars, says Coursaget.

Read more at:
14% prevalence of HEV in Wild Boar.
The prevalence of HEV was found to be 14 percent among wild boar, about half that in pigs, says principal investigator Pierre Coursaget of the University of Tours, France. An earlier study found 12 percent prevalence among boar in The Netherlands. Among humans in the current study, the prevalence of anti-HEV antibodies increases with age, and varies with occupation and geographic location within eastern France. "The frequency of HEV infections in humans did not correlate with the number of pigs, locally, but there is good correlation with the number of car accidents due to wild boars," a surrogate for contact between humans and wild boars, says Coursaget.

Read more at:
The prevalence of HEV was found to be 14 percent among wild boar, about half that in pigs, says principal investigator Pierre Coursaget of the University of Tours, France. An earlier study found 12 percent prevalence among boar in The Netherlands. Among humans in the current study, the prevalence of anti-HEV antibodies increases with age, and varies with occupation and geographic location within eastern France. "The frequency of HEV infections in humans did not correlate with the number of pigs, locally, but there is good correlation with the number of car accidents due to wild boars," a surrogate for contact between humans and wild boars, says Coursaget.

Read more at:
The prevalence of HEV was found to be 14 percent among wild boar, about half that in pigs, says principal investigator Pierre Coursaget of the University of Tours, France. An earlier study found 12 percent prevalence among boar in The Netherlands. Among humans in the current study, the prevalence of anti-HEV antibodies increases with age, and varies with occupation and geographic location within eastern France. "The frequency of HEV infections in humans did not correlate with the number of pigs, locally, but there is good correlation with the number of car accidents due to wild boars," a surrogate for contact between humans and wild boars, says Coursaget.

Read more at:

Norovirus d'origine alimentaire, première cause d'infection aux Etats-Unis - Le Blog d'Albert Amgar - Un article de Le Blog d'Albert Amgar

Norovirus d'origine alimentaire, première cause d'infection aux Etats-Unis - Le Blog d'Albert Amgar - Un article de Le Blog d'Albert Amgar

Les Etats-Unis ont une moyenne d'une éclosion à norovirus d'origine alimentaire chaque jour, mettant généralement en cause un salarié d’une entreprise alimentaire qui manipule des produits alimentaires crus contaminés ou des aliments prêts à être consommés en l’état comme les végétaux verts feuillus, selon une analyse de 8 années de données. 

samedi 22 septembre 2012

Norovirus outbreak

Following norovirus outbreak, 66 residents of an Otago township have been reported to be affected.

lundi 17 septembre 2012

Legionnaires outbreak in Carmarthen

News Wales > Health > Legionnaires outbreak in Carmarthen

Dr Mac Walapu, Consultant in Communicable Disease Control for Public Health Wales, said: “We are continuing to speak to the three people who have been unwell to gain a better understanding of their movements in the days before they became ill in order to try and identify the source of the disease.

1 dies, 15 hospitalised due to food poisoning in Sharjah

1 dies, 15 hospitalised due to food poisoning in Sharjah

 The ages of the patients range between 40 and 55 years and all are from Pakistan. The hospital management notified the authorities concerned, including the police and the municipality, for action against the Asian food outlet.

Food sample test results pending for weekend food poisoning cases |

Food sample test results pending for weekend food poisoning cases |

Sharjah Municipality has closed down outlets suspected as the source of a possible food poisoning outbreak as they await laboratory results linked to the 14 possible cases that occurred over the weekend, officials said.

6 dead, 93 suffer mass food poisoning in Sapporo

6 dead, 93 suffer mass food poisoning in Sapporo

Four people, including a 4-year-old girl, have been confirmed dead of food poisoning from pickled Chinese cabbage produced by a Sapporo food company, it has been learned. Another two are also suspected to have died due to the cabbage.

vendredi 14 septembre 2012

Legionnaires' outbreak hard to pin down

Legionnaires' outbreak hard to pin down

Most investigations into Legionnaires' outbreaks elsewhere in the world were unable to cite the source, she said.

Hepatitis outbreak kills 16 in South Sudan refugee camps

Hepatitis outbreak kills 16 in South Sudan refugee camps | Fox News

An outbreak of the Hepatitis E virus has killed 16 people in three South Sudanese refugee camps near the volatile border with Sudan, authorities and the United Nations said on Thursday.

Managing Norovirus Infections in Hospitals - Mosby's Nursing Suite

Managing Norovirus Infections in Hospitals - Mosby's Nursing Suite

Noroviruses are the leading cause of viral gastroenteritis, affecting an estimated 21 million people in the U.S. each year. This highly contagious virus can take a toll on a patient, producing nausea, acute-onset vomiting, watery diarrhea, abdominal cramps, and other problems. An outbreak can have a massive clinical impact, causing life-threatening complications for patients while disrupting healthcare facilities and impacting costs.

jeudi 13 septembre 2012

Newport Centre pool sickness outbreak spreads (From South Wales Argus)

Newport Centre pool sickness outbreak spreads (From South Wales Argus)

The pool was closed last Thursday, after seven out of 14 people in Gwent who contracted cryptosporidiosis – which can cause watery diarrhoea, stomach pain, nausea or vomiting, and fever – since mid-August, were found to have used the pool.

The results of water samples confirmed the presence of the bug cryptosporidium at the pool and the outbreak was made public on Tuesday.

Ceeram develops and manufactures PCR real time assays for detecting and identifying Parasites (cryptosporiodium and Giardia, Toxoplasma). Learn more at

Pourquoi Norovirus dépasse les pathogènes Salmonella et E. coli?

Pourquoi Norovirus supplante les pathogènes Salmonella et E. coli

Dans un article de la revue Food Quality du 7 Août 2012, il est indiqué que Norovirus émerge comme deuxième cause de décès lié à la gastro-entérite

Norovirus, l'agent pathogène humain parfait

Un récent rapport du "Journal of Infectious Diseases" souligne pourquoi les norovirus représentent "l'agent pathogène humain parfait».

Dans une publication du JID (, une contamination à Norovirus est décrite, impliquant neuf membres de l'équipe féminine de football (Lien). Le patient de référence, une adolescente, a développé des vomissements et de la diarrhée en séjournant dans un hôtel lors d'un tournoi hors de la ville et rentra chez lui le lendemain sans aucun contact supplémentaire avec son équipe. Trois jours plus tard, sept autres membres de l'équipe sont tombés malades avec les mêmes symptômes, qui ont finalement été tracées à une infection à norovirus associée à des collations emballées conservées dans un sac d'épicerie réutilisable, dans une chambre d'hôtel où séjournait l'équipe.

Les norovirus, si difficile à contrôler

Facilement propagé par un certain nombre de moyens différents, il suffit d'une petite quantité de norovirus pour rendre quelqu'un malade. Les personnes infectées ne semblent pas développer d'immunités durables. Elles peuvent donc être infectées à plusieurs reprises tout au long de leur vie.

Les décès liés aux gastro-entérites doublent

En Mars dernier, un rapport du CDC indique que les décès liés aux gastro-entérites ont doublé entre 1999 et 2007. Bien que le Clostridium difficile ait été la principale cause de décès associé à la gastro-entérite, cette étude a montré que les norovirus sont probablement la deuxième cause infectieuse. Norovirus est responsable d'environ 800 décès chaque année aux États-Unis (Lire le rapport).

Un vaccin pour Norovirus

En Décembre 2011, le New England Journal of Medicine a publié les résultats d'une étude sur 98 personnes. Seuls 37% des personnes du groupe vacciné ayant ensuite été exposées à des norovirus ont développé des symptômes de gastro-entérite.

Des causes multiples : une approche intégrée et globale

Mais même un vaccin, qui serait le plus susceptible d'être utilisé dans les milieux à haut risque comme les maisons de retraite, les garderies, ne pourra pas éliminer les norovirus. Toute tentative de contrôler les norovirus nécessite d'employer une approche à plusieurs volets.

mercredi 12 septembre 2012

AvoDerm Dog Food Recall : Salmonella

AvoDerm Dog Food Recall

Breeder’s Choice Pet Food of Irwindale, CA has announced a voluntary dog food recall involving one of its products due to possible contamination with Salmonella bacteria.

MLVA typing to trace the origin of contamination

L’agence régionale de la santé confirme les 12 cas d’hépatite A

L’épidémie a été identifiée dans le département par la Cellule de veille, d’alerte et de gestion sanitaires de l’Agence Régionale de la Santé, basée à Nantes.

En 2011, 17 cas avaient été signalés dans le département de la Sarthe et 42 sur la région des Pays de la Loire. 

Food Poisoning Outbreaks in the U.S. | Food Poisoning Bulletin

Food Poisoning Outbreaks in the U.S. | Food Poisoning Bulletin

Hepatitis A Virus and Norovirus
Learn more about Virus detection in Food at Ceeram

Bug (cryptosporidium) outbreak closes swimming pool

The Press Association: Bug outbreak closes swimming pool

The main symptom of cryptosporidiosis is watery diarrhoea, which can range from mild to severe. It is often accompanied by stomach pain, nausea or vomiting, fever and sometimes dehydration and weight loss. The disease can affect anyone but is most common in children aged between one and five.

PCR assay for Cryptosporidium from ceeram
Ceeram proposes :
- a range of detection kits for Parasites
- a set of training for mastering methodologies
- expertise in Parasites and Virus in Environmental Samples.

mardi 11 septembre 2012

Bioinformatique et NGS @ Ceeram

Plate-forme de bioinformatique 

Plateforme appliquée multi-sectorielle : Santé, Alimentaire, Environnement.

Le département de R&D du Ceeram a consolidé son expertise en biologie moléculaire, en particulier l'amplification et le séquençage de régions génétiques, par le développement d'une plate-forme de bioinformatique interne.

Cette nouvelle activité permet au Ceeram de proposer une offre toujours plus complète, personnalisée et appliquée à ses clients. En apportant toute la puissance de la bioinformatique pour fournir le maximum d'informations à partir des données issues des expériences de biologie moléculaire, cette discipline s'intègre parfaitement aux secteurs phares du Ceeram : la Santé humaine et animale, l'Alimentaire et l'Environnement.

Découvrez tous les avantages de la plateforme bioinformatique du Ceeram

Minnesota Selected to Create Food Safety Center of Excellence

Minnesota Selected to Create Food Safety Center of Excellence

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) selected the Minnesota Department of Health and the University of Minnesota's School of Public Health to create a regional center of excellence for food safety, Senator Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) announced Wednesday.

MRSA case reported at Westlake middle school

MRSA case reported at Westlake middle school - 19 Action News|Cleveland, OH|Breaking News, Weather, Exclusives

The Westlake School District has sent a letter home to parents about a MRSA case at Lee Burneson Middle School.

What is MRSA

Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA) is a type of staph bacteria that is resistant to certain antibiotics called beta-lactams. These antibiotics include methicillin and other more common antibiotics such as oxacillin, penicillin, and amoxicillin. In the community, most MRSA infections are skin infections. More severe or potentially life-threatening MRSA infections occur most frequently among patients in healthcare settings. While 25% to 30% of people are colonized* in the nose with staph, less than 2% are colonized with MRSA (Gorwitz RJ et al. Journal of Infectious Diseases. 2008:197:1226-34.). Sometimes it is referred to as the "Super Bug."

Typing MRSA

Multi Locus VNTR Analysis (MLVA) is a PCR based typing method that relies on the inherent variability found in many regions of repetitive DNA called VNTR (Variable Number Tandem Repeat) which represent sources of genetic polymorphism. The MLVA assay for S. aureus examines 16 loci. Thus, each isolate is defined by a 16-digit numeric code corresponding to the number of repeats at each VNTR.

Norovirus outbreak on Princess cruise ship sparks CDC investigation | Alaska Dispatch

Norovirus outbreak on Princess cruise ship sparks CDC investigation | Alaska Dispatch

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention boarded a Princess cruise ship in Juneau on Friday to investigate a Norovirus outbreak that occurred as the vessel sailed across Asia.

vendredi 7 septembre 2012

DOH declares Hepatitis A outbreak in Apayao town | Sun.Star

DOH declares Hepatitis A outbreak in Apayao town | Sun.Star

Some 29 cases of Hepatitis A were reported last month due to improper food handling in a carinderia (food stall) that resulted in a positive viral contamination of specimen taken from affected persons.

mercredi 5 septembre 2012

Virus de l'Hépatite A : les clients d'un restaurant contaminés dans la Sarthe

Epidémie au virus de l'hépatite A dans la Sarthe

Ouest France dans un article du 4 septembre 2012  nous fait part que l'ARS (Agence Régionale de Santé) des Pays de la Loire vient d'adresser un courrier aux médecins et laboratoires d'analyses de la région du Mans, conséquemment à une épidémie d'hépatite A (virus de l'hépatite A.

Comme indiqué dans le Maine Libre, aucune autre information n’a filtré pour l’instant pour identifier plus précisément l’établissement visé. Jointe hier, la direction de la communication de l’ARS, confirmant la réalité de ce courrier, s’est refusée à communiquer le moindre renseignement sur les coordonnées du restaurant concerné.

Le Virus de l'Hépatite A

Le virus de lʼhépatite A est un virus non enveloppé à ARN simple brin. Le délai dʼincubation est en moyenne dʼun mois. La sévérité des signes cliniques augmente avec lʼâge allant de cas asymptomatique chez les jeunes enfants (moins de 6 ans) à des cas dʼhépatites aiguës voire fulminantes. La transmission par voie féco-orale est la plus habituelle. Les aliments peuvent être contaminés par un manipulateur ou via lʼenvironnement. La consommation dʼaliments contaminés peut conduire à des épidémies dans la population. Grâce à ses propriétés structurales, le virus de lʼhépatite A peut persister à différents procédés alimentaires et à différents traitements physico-chimiques. Il nʼexiste pas de traitement curatif spécifique, mais un vaccin est disponible.

Voir la fiche de danger biologique de l'ANSES pour le virus de l'hépatite A


Les outils et méthodes pour détecter le virus de l'hépatite A dans les aliments ou l'eau

Le diagnostic par culture cellulaire est difficile. La détection par RT-PCR en temps réel, après extraction et purification de lʼARN viral, est une méthode de choix compte tenu de sa rapidité et de sa sensibilité.

La trousse de diagnostic moléculaire ceeramTools est basée sur la PCR temps réel. La PCR temps réel est une méthode éprouvée pour la détection des pathogènes et a été utilisée avec succès sur un large panel de pathogènes. La méthode teste pour les pathogènes par amplification et détection des séquences cibles ARN spécifiques du virus de l'hépatite A. La détection est rapide, simple, avec une sensibilité et une spécificité excellente.

La limite de détection de ce kit varie de 5 à 10 copies selon la qualité des acides nucléiques extraits.