mardi 22 février 2011

Bad Bug Book : Norovirus, Hepatitis and other Pathogens

Bad Bug Book

Bad Bug Book: Introduction
Foodborne Pathogenic Microorganisms and Natural Toxins Handbook
The "Bad Bug Book"

This handbook provides basic facts regarding foodborne pathogenic microorganisms and natural toxins. It brings together in one place information from the Food & Drug Administration, the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention, the USDA Food Safety Inspection Service, and the National Institutes of Health.

Some technical terms have been linked to the National Library of Medicine's Entrez glossary. Recent articles from Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Reports have been added to selected chapters to update the handbook with information on later outbreaks or incidents of foodborne disease. At the end of selected chapters on pathogenic microorganisms, hypertext links are included to relevant Entrez abstracts and GenBank genetic loci. A more complete description of the handbook may be found in the Preface1.
Pathogenic Bacteria

* Salmonella spp.2
* Clostridium botulinum3
* Staphylococcus aureus4
* Campylobacter jejuni5
* Yersinia enterocolitica and Yersinia pseudotuberculosis6
* Listeria monocytogenes7
* Vibrio cholerae O18
* Vibrio cholerae non-O19
* Vibrio parahaemolyticus and other vibrios10
* Vibrio vulnificus11
* Clostridium perfringens12
* Bacillus cereus13
* Aeromonas hydrophila and other spp.14
* Plesiomonas shigelloides15
* Shigella spp16
* Miscellaneous enterics17
* Streptococcus18

Enterovirulent Escherichia coli Group (EEC Group)

* Escherichia coli - enterotoxigenic (ETEC)19
* Escherichia coli - enteropathogenic (EPEC)20
* Escherichia coli O157:H7 enterohemorrhagic (EHEC)21
* Escherichia coli - enteroinvasive (EIEC)22

Parasitic Protozoa and Worms

* Giardia lamblia23
* Entamoeba histolytica24
* Cryptosporidium parvum25
* Cyclospora cayetanensis26
* Anisakis sp. and related worms27
* Diphyllobothrium spp.28
* Nanophyetus spp.29
* Eustrongylides sp.30
* Acanthamoeba and other free-living amoebae31
* Ascaris lumbricoides and Trichuris trichiura32


* Hepatitis A virus33
* Hepatitis E virus34
* Rotavirus35
* Norwalk virus group36
* Other gastroenteritis viruses37

Other Pathogenic Agents

* Prions and Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies38

Natural Toxins

* Ciguatera poisoning39
* Shellfish toxins (PSP, DSP, NSP, ASP)40
* Scombroid poisoning41
* Tetrodotoxin 42(Pufferfish)
* Mushroom toxins43
* Aflatoxins44
* Pyrrolizidine alkaloids45
* Phytohaemagglutinin46 (Red kidney bean poisoning)
* Grayanotoxin47 (Honey intoxication)
* Gempylotoxin48 (Gastrointestinal illness from consumption of Escolar and Oilfish)

Toxin Structure Pages

* Ciguatoxin (CTx-1)49
* Dinophysis Toxin50
* Brevetoxin51
* Saxitoxin52
* Okadaic Acid53
* Domoic Acid54
* Yessotoxin55
* Pectenotoxin56
* Scombrotoxin57
* Tetrodotoxin58
* Amanitin59
* Orellanine60
* Muscarine61
* Ibotenic Acid62
* Muscimol63
* Psilocybin64
* Gyromitrin65
* Coprine66
* Aflatoxin B1 and M167
* Aflatoxin G168
* Pyrrolizidine Alkaloids of Symphytum spp.69
* Pyrrolizidine Alkaloids of Senecio longilobus Benth.70
* Grayanotoxin71


* Infective dose72
* Epidemiology summary table73
* Factors affecting microbial growth in foods74
* Foodborne Disease Outbreaks, United States 1988-199275
* Additional Foodborne Disease Outbreak Articles and Databases.

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