jeudi 26 janvier 2012

Explaining the Norovirus - The Cornwall Standard Freeholder - Ontario, CA

Explaining the Norovirus - The Cornwall Standard Freeholder - Ontario, CA

Norovirus is highly infectious and tends to occur in clusters, or “outbreaks”. It spreads from one person to another through direct or indirect contact with infected feces or vomit.

More rarely, it can also be transmitted by drinking water, which contains the virus, or by eating food contaminated by this virus.


CEERAM Virology tools

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PCR assays for virus detection (virus tests)

puce_carre_gdReal Time RT-PCR detection and identification of pathogenic viruses (human health- IVD CE)

puce_carre_gdAnalysable matrices :

  • Biological samples (blood, urine, stools, tissue, etc.)
  • Water (raw water, sewer water, drinking water, surface water, etc.)
  • Mud, Sludge
  • Shells, Shellfish
  • Fruits
  • Vegetables
  • Swabs
  • Surface and air samples

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